Comments On This Tip Jar
Fun fact. Cats aren't mentioned in the bible.
Everytime I tip I kill a kitten to even things up.
God loves the kitteys!
Kittens turn into cats. Cats are A-holes. Sorry, no tip!
clever move to use a blender as tipjar.
shame god ain't real .....
Timmy: Mommy where did Mr.Mittens go? Dad: Oh, your cat was outside and a car- Mom: Uh... your cat... he... went to a happy place and- Dad: Your cat died. A car just came in and crushed the poor guys skull. Haha, man, you should've seen the amount of blood on the road. Oh my god it was so funny! HAHA! I always hated that cat anyway. I even tipped the guy for killed that stupid feline. That cat was always pissing on my workbooks. And I have a hunch that's why I didn't get a raise. Oh well. Too bad there's no cat heaven. That cat is just guts and blood in our backyard now. You can dig up anytime if you wanna be a little bitch and cry over him. He's to the left of our barn. Yeah, your mother cared more about her flowers than you're dumb cat and she didn't want your cats cancerous guts to have a defect on her flowers so she buried the cat as far away from her flowers as much as possible. Did I mention your cat had cancer? I don't think I did. But yeah, your cat was gonna die anyway so luckily it died sooner so we didn't have it keep pissing on my stuff . And to be honest Timmy, I think your cat hated you the most because remember when we got him, he always avoided you, and ONLY you. Cats just aren't your thing, y'know. Maybe we'll get you dog to forget about your dead cat that always hated you. Yup. That's why they say dogs are "Man's best friend". Although now that I think about it, you aren't a man so maybe the dog won't like you. But hey, if you try hard enough, maybe it will recognize you're even there. Haha, your cat didn't that's for sure. Timmy: WaAaaAaAAaAAhh!!! Dad: Ah come on, don't cry. I don't need the neighbor thinking I have a little crying bitch for son now do I. The neighbor will tell his son, which doesn't cry like a little annoying bitch, and then his son will tell everyone at school that you're a little girl and that you named you're cat Mr.Mittens like a gay person would call their fuck buddy. So shut up or I won't buy you that dog!
i wud not tip...
Judging on the amount of tips they've got in there, I'd assume that not many people like kittens.
Fun fact. Cats aren't mentioned in the bible.